

ALL4’s California Environmental, Health and Safety 101 (CAL101) training provides foundational knowledge of the various environmental, health, and safety (EHS) regulatory requirements that impact industrial facilities in the State of California.

CAL101 is delivered via ten on-demand sessions, so no out-of-office time is required for CAL101 participation. The program is geared toward EHS professionals with responsibilities for operations in California. Whether you are onboarding new employees or providing a refresher to your team, CAL101 addresses the essential EHS topics in an easy-to-follow and accessible format.

Numerous professional designations require continuing education/professional development. Upon completing CAL101, a certificate will be provided identifying ALL4’s CAL101 as 6 hours of continuing education/professional development. Many states and professional organizations accept continuing education hours/professional development hours for license/certification renewal purposes. To ensure acceptability in each personal situation, please check with the requirements of your State Board/Professional Organization.


Registration for CAL101 will be available soon on an individual user basis. CAL101 is an on-demand training that can be viewed when it’s convenient for you.  A certificate of completion is provided at the conclusion. CAL101 is $700/user.


Michael McHale, Managing Consultant | Phone: 610.422.1131  | Email:

Michael believes that having a solid understanding of what you know—and what you don’t—about California’s environmental, health, and safety regulations is crucial for effective compliance. Being aware of the nuances in regulations related to permitting, compliance, monitoring, and reporting gives EHS professionals an operational advantage, ensuring they are well-prepared to meet regulatory demands.

During CAL101, Michael along with other ALL4 experts delve into the foundational aspects of California EHS regulations, offering straightforward, essential insights that are easy to integrate into your daily operations. The course is designed to build your confidence in navigating California’s complex regulatory landscape, helping you identify and address any knowledge gaps along the way.


Program Overview (LIVE WEBINAR on 10.16.2024)

What regulatory programs am I subject to? Who regulates me? What’s coming up next?

Air Quality

History of air quality regulations in California, Federal Clean Air Act programs, State Implementation Plan (SIP), local standards and permitting requirements, Best Available Retrofit Control Technology,  Air Toxics “Hot Spots,” and Cap-and-Trade.


Industrial stormwater permitting, monitoring requirements, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans, sampling requirements, reporting requirements, exceedance response actions, best management practices, and No Exposure Certification.


Federal Pretreatment Standards, Local Permitting, sampling requirements, and reporting requirements.

Solid and Hazardous Waste

Identifying waste, classification of hazardous waste, RCRA and Non-RCRA hazardous waste, labeling, recordkeeping

Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA)

Hazardous Materials Business Plans and Toxic Release Inventory Reporting

Proposition 65

Occupational, environmental, and consumer notification requirements, training obligations, and hazard communication.

Accidental Release Prevention

Federal Risk Management Plan and California Accidental Release Prevention (CalARP) applicability and obligations

Fire Code

2022 California Fire Code, hazardous material permitting, high piled storage permitting

Health and Safety

Federal and State health and safety standard, Workplace Injury & Illness Prevention, Workplace Violence Prevention, and outdoor and indoor heat illness prevention.


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