
Sustainability, Climate, and ESG Consultation Services 

“The Only Constant in Life Is Change.”- Heraclitus.

This 2500-year-old observation holds true today not only in life but in business as well. Urgent pressures on our climate, work force, supply chain, natural capital, transportation system and energy infrastructure are dramatically changing the way businesses operate, communicate, innovate and thrive.

In response to these changes stakeholders are demanding meaningful transparency, effective strategies and measurable action from market actors. The difference between this market shift and previous related movements, such as sustainability, is that ESG fundamentally changes how success is measured and how risk is assessed.

This change has been branded as ‘ESG’ – Environmental, Social Governance and is an expression of the risks and opportunities related to the long-term viability of an organization. It is a crowded and often confusing landscape of materiality, ratings, frameworks, declarations, shareholder proposals, investor demands and, more and more, regulation. It can be a long and arduous trek for a company to mature their approach, operations, communications, and outcomes to ensure they are prepared to continue to deliver value and successfully transition to the satisfaction of their stakeholders. At its most distilled essence, ESG is simply an approach to business that positions an organization to effectively compete in an ever-changing marketplace so that it is able to create value and deliver returns to stakeholders 5, 10, 50 years into the future.

Contact an ALL4 Sustainability Consultant Today

What is a Sustainability Program?

No matter where you are on the path – overwhelmed or looking for that next opportunity to innovate – ALL4 can support you. Our expert consultants can provide advisory services such as:

Getting Started

  • ESG Strategy Development and Planning
  • Data and Operational Readiness Assessment
  • Materiality assessments
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Goal setting and declarations
  • ESG Framework Selections
  • ESG Solution selection support
  • Climate Change mitigation and Adaptation planning

Maturing your program

  • ESG Communications
  • Setting science based targets
  • Rating management
  • Resilience and Innovation
  • Net Zero Process Support
  • Circularity planning
  • Natural Capital management

Climate focus

  • GHG baseline development
  • Carbon Accounting
  • Carbon Intensity Reduction Strategies
  • GHG Verification
  • Carbon Transition / Neutrality Planning
  • Climate change risk assessment- assets, product, supply chain

Stakeholder Engagement and Materiality Assessments
Product and Process LCA

For companies with well-developed programs ALL4 can

Help local and regional assets

  • Understand Corporate ESG goals and requirements
  • Identify risks and opportunities that align with local conditions and corporate priorities
  • Collect and curate data to support analysis and reporting
  • Design and deploy digital ESG solutions
  • Understand external goals and pressures and effectively communicate with corporate
  • Understand competitive pressures unique to their product lines, supply chains, raw materials, asset type, regulatory environment or local stakeholders

For companies without existing programs or immature programs

  • Utilize maturity model to set context for conversation
  • Complete a materiality assessment to define key performance metrics, identify risks and articulate opportunities
  • Develop an ESG position and strategy
  • Communicate with shareholders including raters, investors, providers of capital, shareholders, employees, suppliers, communities, regulators or other stakeholders.

Strategy & Advocacy

ALL4 Services

ALL4 can assist with the following types of services related to climate, sustainability, and ESG programs:

GHG Reporting and Mitigation

  • Developing strategies to reduce Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions and carbon footprint
  • Developing a digital solution for ongoing monitoring, reporting, and tracking towards goals
  • Benchmarking GHG emissions with peer organizations, other industries or comparing similar facilities to ID optimization opportunities
  • Developing or updating reporting methodologies
  • Reviewing current reporting mechanism for gaps with established protocols
  • Setting boundaries for reporting
  • Developing a GHG monitoring plan
  • Developing a GHG emissions inventory, including Scopes 1, 2, and 3
  • Developing GHG emissions factors for products

 Sustainability and ESG Strategy and Reporting

  • Developing a digital solution for evaluating, tracking, and documenting sustainability and ESG projects and
    progress toward goals
  • Researching issues of interest to internal and external stakeholders and developing goals
  • Benchmarking across facilities, companies, geographies, or industries to understand KPIs of interest or performance
  • Reviewing current environmental footprint and resource use and developing strategies for reductions
  • Reviewing current ESG programs for gaps
  • Preparing inputs to corporate sustainability reports
  • Quantifying avoided emissions

Adaptation/Resiliency Planning

  • Reviewing a facility’s history of disruptions to operations or supply chain
  • Review models to forecast potential increases in certain types of events
  • Developing plans to harden the facility against disruptive events

Environmental Justice

  • Characterization of a facility’s EJ footprint, benchmarking against similar facilities or industries
  • Project planning and strategy to anticipate and address EJ concerns
  • Refinement of emissions and air dispersion modeling approaches, including risk analyses
  • Deployment of ambient monitors
  • Preparation of materials for community outreach activities and responses to comments/concerns

ALL4’s experience across a variety of industries and geographies can assist with developing strategies and conducting advocacy around climate, sustainability, environmental justice and ESG issues.  Because we participate in industry associations and are continuously tracking policy and regulatory developments, we can help you keep your programs up to date with current stakeholder interests and anticipate trends.

For organizations that want to implement more robust data tracking, ALL4’s Digital Solutions Practice can bring different data streams together to support KPI tracking, including business, EHS, and quality (EHSQ), sustainability, or other ESG-related metrics.

Contact Our ESG Strategy Experts Today!

ALL4 offers tailored Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) consulting services to help your organization navigate sustainability challenges and meet stakeholder expectations. From ESG strategy development to climate change mitigation, our consultants are here to help you achieve sustainability and satisfy stakeholder demands.

Talk to an ESG Consultant

ALL4 incorporates Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) content and data to enhance the value of our work products to clientele.





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