Sean Cunningham

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Sean Cunningham

Managing Consultant

Building Pennsylvania, US - Philadelphia Office
Contact Sean

Area Of Expertise

Air Quality


The Pennsylvania State University, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, 2013

Career Highlights

Mr. Sean Cunningham joined the ALL4 staff in 2013 after graduating from the Pennsylvania State University.  Sean has worked on a wide variety of projects in a large base of industries during his tenure, including permitting, compliance tracking tools including emissions tracking, and a broad experience in reporting with a focus in CMS reporting.  He also has significant onsite experience with multimedia auditing, and temporary onsite assistance for multiple facilities.

Full Professional Profile


Air & Waste Management Association (AWMA)


Connect With Sean:

Get to know Sean

Have you ever had a nickname (or two)?  If so, what are/were they?

Nothing that has stuck for more than a week or two.

When you were 8 years old, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be an astronaut for a long time, but then I learned that space is a pretty big and scary  place.

What is one of the most memorable experiences you have had at ALL4?

In my short time here, I enjoyed going to lunch of my first day and getting to know my fellow  coworkers.

What was the most memorable Halloween costume you ever wore?

One year I decided that I wanted to be a nerd, so I took a white t‐shirt and glued a bunch of “nerds”  candy boxes and a bunch of the little nerds to the shirt.

Stick shift or automatic?

Automatic, though I wouldn’t be opposed to learning how to drive stick shift.

Who is the most famous person you have ever met?

Troy Vincent – He visited my school when he played for the Eagles, so naturally I wanted to meet him.

Do you have any hidden talents that people you meet would not expect?

I play a good game of basketball from time to time and I play the clarinet.

What are you known for at ALL4?

I’m known for being the new Penn Stater around.

If you were stranded on an island, what are three things you couldn’t live without?

A basketball court (with a basketball), my clarinet, and my family (I probably should have put them  first…)

What is the most unique thing about working at ALL4?

The people around here definitely make it unique.


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