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610.933.5246Kevin Chaplin
Senior Managing Consultant
Morehead State University, Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science, 1983
Career Highlights
Kevin joined ALL4 with 35 years of environmental, health and safety experience providing industrial hygiene and safety support for a variety of clients throughout the Southeast. Kevin has specific experience in: chemical exposure assessments, hazardous material investigations, vapor intrusion/indoor air quality investigations, OSHA compliance, corporate and facility safety program development and auditing, workmen’s compensation/accident investigations and litigation support.
American Industrial Hygiene Association
American Society of Safety Professionals
KY Health & Safety Network
Get to know Kevin
1. Have you ever had a nickname (or two)? If so, what are/were they?
Chappie or KC, I have always been partial to Chappie as that was my Grandfather’s nickname.
2. When you were 8 years old, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Jacques Cousteau; French explorer/researcher, marine conservationist, He had a TV show called the Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau. Fascinating from a landlocked kid’s perspective.
3. What about ALL4 has surprised you the most?
The open communication and executive team involvement with staff.
4. What was the most memorable Halloween costume you ever wore?
Most memorable or most psychologically damaging? My mother decided to dress my brother and I up as popular women of the time. We were obviously too young to resist.
5. Stick shift or automatic?
Either one. Throttle on!
6. Who is the most famous person you have ever met?
Muhammad Ali. Our handshake was like putting an infant’s hand in a Bear Paw.
7. Do you have any hidden talents that people you meet would not expect?
Not really, I can shake a mean margarita.
8. What would you like to become known for at ALL4?
Resourcefulness in assisting and expanding our service areas.
9. If you were stranded on an island, what are three things you couldn’t live without?
Family and friends, Libations (to accompany the fresh seafood we would catch) and music.
10. What is the one thing that most attracted you to ALL4?
Well, being acquired I guess it was like an arranged marriage. However, it is clearly one that works! Great people and incredibly supportive throughout the integration process.