Texas Air Permitting Hot Topics
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There have been some changes and updates from the TCEQ relating to air rules and regulations. Join ALL4 for a complimentary webinar on Tuesday, August 18th 12 pm – 1 pm CT (1 pm – 2 pm ET) that will focus on:
New or recent developments that impact the NSR permits:
- “at risk” commencement of construction,
- 30 TAC 116 rulemaking petition,
- RAP for marine loading,
- HGB and DFW ozone nonattainment reclassification, and
- changes to “qualified facilities”.
At the same time, ALL4 will also discuss operating permits:
- PBR supplemental tables for Title V permits and
- proposed changes to oil and gas Title V (GOP) permits.
Finally, we will highlight the new modeling requirements for modeled emission rates for precursors (MERP). Bring your questions as the webinar will conclude with a Q&A session.
Professionals with air permitting responsibilities (e.g., corporate and plant environmental staff, plant management, environmental specialists, etc.). Feel free to forward this invitation along to your colleagues.
Due to the ever-changing rules and regulations from the TCEQ, it’s paramount that environmental professionals understand the impacts that these changes could have on their operations. Companies will need to understand the changes, assess potential compliance issues, complete permits updates and more importantly, allocate budget for potential cost associated with these changes.
Kristin Gordon, Sr. Consultant
Wei Liu, Project Manager
Meghan Skemp, Project Manager
Certificates of attendance will be available upon request after completion of the webinar.
If you need assistance with your webinar registration contact webinars@all4inc.com