Environmental Justice Update 2022: Turning Words Into Action
Environmental Justice continues to be the focal point of the Biden Administration’s environmental policy, permeating every aspect of the administration’s initiatives and policy decisions. While 2021 saw a lot of talk and building momentum around environmental justice activity, 2022 promises to see a dramatic increase in action at both the federal level, supported by the two tools released in February: EJSCREEN v2.0 and the Council for Environmental Quality’s Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool. These tools are expected to support both the Justice40 initiative, and the soon to be published “EPA Guidelines for Cumulative Risk Assessment Planning and Problem Formulation”, which may lead to new requirements for permitting actions near overburdened communities. Meanwhile the administration is putting pressure on states to evaluate environmental justice carefully when reviewing permit applications by threatening action under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act or other mechanisms. This webinar will look at the new environmental justice tools, developments in rulemaking at both the federal and state level, and the rapidly increasing attention on facilities located near overburdened communities, and what can be done to stay ahead of the curve in terms of engagement with the public near your facilities.
Environmental professionals with air quality permitting, compliance, and advocacy responsibilities.
Challenges to permitting activities on environmental justice grounds are becoming more and more prevalent and present risk to projects ranging from additional delays and costs to outright denial of operating permits. It is critical to understand your facility’s environmental justice footprint and what new requirements might be required at the state and federal level, as well as steps you can take to be a good neighbor in your community.
Rich Hamel, Technical Director // rhamel@all4inc.com // 610.422.1171
Amy Marshall, Air Quality Practice Director // amarshall@all4inc.com // 984.777.3073
A recording of this webinar is now available
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