Air Quality Compliance
Understanding current regulatory requirements and establishing plans to meet them. A compliance strategy helps companies avoid fines, compliance orders and reputation damage.
Air Quality Modeling
Using models to simulate the transport and dispersion of air pollutants released into the atmosphere. Models can be used during permitting to determine whether a new source will exceed air quality standards.
Air Quality Permitting
Commercial and industrial pollution sources must receive permits to operate. These pollution sources include incinerators, landfills and acid rain sources. Those with exceptionally high pollution levels must also receive an approval order.
Air Regulation
Laws that manage air quality and emissions. These laws include air quality resources like the Clean Air Act and the Global Warming Solutions Act. These laws establish limits for certain air pollutants and regulate emissions from sources like chemical plants and steel mills.
Ambient Pollutant and Meteorological Monitoring
Ambient pollutant monitoring assesses pollutants by monitoring the surrounding outside air. Meteorological monitoring uses weather data to determine how contaminants spread through the atmosphere.
AST Compliance
Aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) must abide by Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) regulations and meet other requirements to safeguard human and environmental health.
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Brownfield Redevelopment
The process of cleaning up and reusing contaminated properties (Brownfields). The Environmental Protection Agency has a Brownfields Program outlining proper safety measures for restoration.
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Carbon Accounting
The process organizations use to quantify greenhouse gas emissions and their environmental impact so they can set goals to limit future emissions. This procedure is also known as a carbon or greenhouse gas inventory.
Carbon Footprinting
Measuring the total emission volume of greenhouse gases from a particular source. Determining and lowering carbon footprints can aid the fight against climate change.
CERCLA Consulting
The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) allows the President to counter the release of hazardous substances. CERCLA consulting helps companies report continuous dangerous material releases.
CERCLA Feasibility Study (FS)
A mechanism used to develop, screen and evaluate alternative remedial actions for facilities on the National Priorities List (NPL).
Chemical EHS Reporting
Companies must record extremely hazardous substances (EHSs) if the on-site quantity is above 500 pounds or surpasses the threshold planning quantity.
Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Support
High-risk chemical facilities must implement security measures to reduce the chance that terrorists will weaponize dangerous substances. Anti-terrorism support provides expert help for security planning.
Continuous Monitoring Systems Implementation and Compliance
Continuous Monitoring Systems (CMSs) continually measure and record data from an emissions source to guide operations and demonstrate compliance. External consulting firms often help with implementing a CMS and ensuring compliance.
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The production of greenhouse gases that discharge from industrial facilities and other sources and trap heat in the earth's atmosphere, making the planet warmer.
Environmental Due Diligence
Assessing real estate for potential environmental contamination. The EPA sets standards to regulate this process and determine which assessments are necessary.
Environmental Justice
Developing, implementing and enforcing environmental laws to promote fair treatment for people of every race, color, national origin and income.
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)
ESG resources measure the social impact of investing in a company. Environmental factors include climate impact, energy use and waste production. Social factors refer to how a company treats its employees and community, while governance factors relate to how a business is run.
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Facility Response Plans (FRPs)
Facilities that store and use oil must submit these plans to demonstrate how they would address a worst-case scenario oil discharge.
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GHG Verification
A third-party audit of a company's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This audit, performed by an accredited verification body, checks a company's data and keeps businesses accountable.
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Hazardous Materials Compliance
Practicing proper transport and handling of hazardous materials. The Department of Transportation, the International Air Transport Association and the Federal Railroad Administration set hazardous material standards for moving goods.
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Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
The air quality within facilities and how it relates to the health and comfort of their occupants. The EPA sets standards for controlling airborne pollutants to protect health and safety.
Industrial Hygiene
Anticipating, recognizing and controlling environmental factors that can cause sickness or discomfort for workers or community members. Industrial hygienists monitor hazards and develop safety methods to protect health.
Industrial Wastewater
Water produced in industrial processes like oil and gas mining, food and beverage processing, and textile manufacturing. It contains pollutants that must be removed before the water is discharged or reused.
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Natural Capital Management
A strategy focused on creating systems to control air, land and water (natural capital). This strategy treats ecosystems as having monetary value to promote focus on natural resources.
Net Zero Process Support
Net zero is a state where greenhouse gases entering the atmosphere are balanced by those removed. Net zero process support helps businesses with ESG plans implement strategies to reduce or counteract greenhouse gas emissions.
The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) provides regulations for discharging pollutants to protect U.S. water systems.
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Circularity Planning
Part of maturing an Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) program involves circularity planning — changing production practices to reduce hazardous chemical use and make recycling and recovery easier.
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The Occupational Safety and Health Administration. OSHA resources and regulations ensure safe and healthy working conditions.
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PPE Hazard Assessments
A safety check for health hazards in the workplace. After a hazard assessment, companies must implement proper personal protective equipment (PPE) to safeguard workers from threats like chemical exposure, radiation and other dangers.
Process Safety Management
In industries with highly hazardous chemicals, process safety management sets standards for managing dangers and unexpected chemical releases.
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RCRA Corrective Measures Study (CMS)
A CMS is performed under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and aims to develop and evaluate remediation measures for a facility that handles hazardous waste.
RCRA Generator
Under the RCRA, a generator is an industry that produces hazardous waste. Generators must abide by specific regulations to protect the environment and human health.
Risk Management Planning
Developing a plan for facilities using hazardous chemicals. This plan identifies the effects of a chemical accident, the steps taken to prevent an accident and the proper response if an accident occurs.
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Solid Waste Landfill Permitting
Regulations require that industries disposing of solid waste attain proper permits before doing so.
Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans
A comprehensive strategy for preventing oil spills or controlling spills when they occur to protect the environment and public health.
Stack Testing
A procedure used to sample a gas stream from a single location at a facility. This test finds the pollutant emission rate to determine compliance with applicable standards and permits.
Storage Tank Permitting and Testing
Underground and aboveground storage tanks containing flammable or combustible liquids must undergo tests to ensure they meet proper regulations for permitting.
High quantities of water produced by a storm. Commercial and industrial plants must obtain permits for stormwater discharge to avoid loading nearby bodies of water with pollutants.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)
A required plan for companies that details all activities used to prevent stormwater contamination, control erosion and comply with the Clean Water Act.
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Toxic Substances Control Act Reporting
The Toxic Substances Control Act requires that chemical manufacturers and importers record and report their chemical manufacturing or import every four years.
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UST Compliance
Underground storage tanks (USTs) must follow EPA regulations concerning inspections, training and containment to maintain safety.
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Vapor Intrusion
This scenario occurs when chemicals in groundwater or soil move into a facility that sits above the contaminated source. When vapor intrusion occurs, it can harm human health.
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PFAS (Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances)
PFAS (Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances): long-lasting chemicals used in cleaning products, cookware coating, fire-fighting foams, makeup, stain-resistant carpeting, etc., that remain in the environment because they break down very slowly, and subsequently accumulate within animals and people: among the substances known as forever chemicals.
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