4 The record articles


Posted: August 22nd, 2017

Authors: Kayla N. 

U.S. EPA has started to promulgate regulations under
 40 CFR Part 60 (NSPS) and Part 63 (NESHAPs) that are transitioning certain forms of reporting to an electronic platform, also known as “E-Reporting.”  E-Reporting is completed using U.S. EPA’s Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI) and/or Electronic Reporting Tool (ERT).  There is little guidance or support around this software which can lead to a steep learning curve associated with E-Reporting.  ALL4’s ERT/CEDRI Focus Area provides a variety of services and expertise to assist our clients in complying with Federal and state E-Reporting requirements.  The main services of the ERT/CEDRI Focus Area are as follows:

  • Performance test reports and performance evaluation reports for programs such as emissions testing or continuous emissions monitoring systems (CEMS) relative accuracy test audits (RATAs), including report preparation and submittal using ERT and CEDRI, respectively
  • Air emissions compliance reports including, but not limited to, ongoing compliance reports, monitoring data reports, and emissions reports using CEDRI
  • Notification reports for notifying compliance status or other required notification submittals using CEDRI
  • Training programs to support ALL4 services or to aid clients with developing in-house electronic reporting capabilities

ALL4 understands that E-Reporting can often be complex, time-consuming, and an additional compliance burden.  Please contact Kayla Turney at kturney@all4inc.com to find out how ALL4 can help you and your facility.


Electronic Reporting for Stack Testing and the Dangerous Assumption “It Won’t Take THAT Long”
PC MACT and Electronic Reporting: What You Need to Know

Lessons Learned from E-Reporting
Wait…We Have to Report our Generator Use to U.S. EPA?
ERT and CEDRI: What the Heck Is It and How Does It Impact You?
Electronic Reporting: Great in Theory
Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI) Review


Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface (CEDRI) – What can you expect from Next Gen Compliance?
U.S. EPA’s Electronic Reporting Tool and Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting Interface: What Do the Requirements REALLY Mean for Petroleum Refineries?

Regulatory Resources

Promulgated regulations with electronic data reporting requirements
EPA test methods and pollutants currently supported by ERT


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