Lizzie Smith

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Lizzie Smith

Tech Team Leader - Water

Building Alabama, US - Regional Support
Contact Lizzie

Area Of Expertise

Air Quality, Water Quality


BS/MS Environmental Engineering, Georgia Tech

Career Highlights

Lizzie graduated from Georgia Tech in December of 2014 and started her career as the wastewater engineer at an integrated, bleached pulp and paper mill.  Since joining ALL4 in February of 2018, Lizzie has supported clients in multiple industries with water quality compliance and permitting, air quality compliance and permitting, and chemical security.

Connect With Lizzie:

Get to know Lizzie

Have you ever had a nickname (or two)?  If so, what are/were they?

Though my legal name is Elizabeth, I have gone by “Lizzie” my entire life and was occasionally called “Lizard” growing up.

When you were 8 years old, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Both of my parents spent their entire careers in education, so naturally as a child I thought I might be a teacher one day.

What about ALL4 has surprised you the most?

The culture and personality of the people here – air quality consulting sounds like a fairly “dry” career, but the people here are anything but, and I’m sure my career here will be as well!

What was the most memorable Halloween costume you ever wore?

My best friend and I went as “Tweedle-Dee” and “Tweedle-Dum” one year in college.

Stick shift or automatic?

Automatic – I’ve never driven a stick shift.

Who is the most famous person you have ever met?

Robin Roberts – my family visited New York my senior year of high school and were in the studio audience of Good Morning America while we were there. Robin liked the sign we brought so she came over and complemented us on it!

Do you have any hidden talents that people you meet would not expect?

I danced growing up (ballet, tap, and jazz), and still enjoy Zumba!

What would you like to become known for at ALL4?

Exhibiting All4’s core values

If you were stranded on an island, what are three things you couldn’t live without?

My cat, a good book, and sunglasses!

What is the one thing that most attracted you to ALL4?

The commitment to excellence and integrity.


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