Scott Kirkpatrick

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Scott Kirkpatrick

Technical Director

Building Kentucky, US - Lexington Office
Contact Scott


Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Career Highlights

Mr. Kirkpatrick joined All4 in 2022 with more than 30 years of experience with a diverse background in all aspects of environmental health and safety. Following a ten-year career providing air quality consulting to clients across the upper midwest he moved through various EHS and management positions in the paper industry. While his primary responsibilities have been in the air arena, he has done permitting program development, auditing, and regulatory negotiations across all media.

Full Professional Profile


Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center – Board Member

Connect With Scott:

Get to know Scott

Have you ever had a nickname (or two)? If so, what are/​were they?

Poncho, Ponch (no translation for Scott in 8th grade Spanish Class)

When you were 8 years old, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Replace Mike Schmidt at 3rd base for the Phillies

What about ALL4 has surprised you the most?

Authenticity of the team and transparency of the company

What was the most memorable Halloween costume you ever wore?

R2D2 constructed from a concrete form and a skylight

Stick shift or automatic?

Stick, It’s the only thing we had growing up.

Who is the most famous person you have ever met?

A.J. Foyt (4-time winner of the Indy 500)

Do you have any hidden talents that people you meet would not expect?

I love to cook and try new things doing it

What would you like to become known for at ALL4?

A well-rounded technical resource willing to engage and support everyone

If you were stranded on an island, what are three things you couldn’t live without?

My family and an unlimited supply of diet coke and snickers bars

What is the one thing that most attracted you to ALL4?



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