Auburn Bastin

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Auburn Bastin

Consulting Engineer

Building Georgia, US - Atlanta Office
Contact Auburn


Auburn University, Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering and minor in Business, 2020

Career Highlights

Auburn joined the ALL4 Atlanta team in May 2021 after graduating from Auburn University. During her time at Auburn, she conducted a year-long design project where she worked within a team to develop the design of a new facility to produce chemical grade ethylene oxide.


Omega Chi Epsilon, National Chemical Engineering Honor Society

Tau Beta Pi, National Engineering Honor Society

Connect With Auburn:

Get to know Auburn

1. Have you ever had a nickname (or two)? If so, what are/were they?

Well there’s the obvious one – Aubie. However, my friends usually call me Aub or Aubs.

2. When you were 8 years old, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a Veterinarian.

3. What about ALL4 has surprised you the most?

So far, I have really enjoyed how kind and welcoming everyone is and their willingness to help their fellow coworkers.

4. What was the most memorable Halloween costume you ever wore?

My mom dressed me up as a clown for Halloween when I was younger so that was memorable to say the least (side note: I’m scared of clowns…).

5. Stick shift or automatic?

Automatic. I stalled a stick shift at a major intersection when I was learning to drive, and it scarred me for life.

6. Who is the most famous person you have ever met?

I saw Cam Newton quite often on campus during my time at Auburn University.

7. Do you have any hidden talents that people you meet would not expect?

I love to cook. I am always attempting to cook different cuisines from all around the world.

8. What would you like to become known for at ALL4?

I’d like to be known as a reliable employee that constantly delivers quality work.

9. If you were stranded on an island, what are three things you couldn’t live without?

My family, my cat, and a speaker that can play my Spotify.

10. What is the one thing that most attracted you to ALL4?

The people!!!


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