EPCRA Reporting

EPCRA Reporting


Service Area:
Chemical Reporting and Management

Client's Challenge

The client has multiple facilities that are managed separately without much interaction between facilities.  The facilities are sister plants in that they are of similar size and produce the same product.  ALL4 began assisting the facilities with Toxic Release Inventories (TRI).  During the first review of the submittals, ALL4 staff noted that emissions for particular compounds were drastically different.

ALL4’s Solution

ALL4 evaluated TRI submittals over the prior three years and among facilities to determine (1) if there were calculation errors, or (2) if one of the facilities was using a wrong emission factor.  ALL4 made updates to each TRI so the facilities were using the same approach.

All4 Inc Air Quality Services smoke stacksThe Results

The company now has consistent calculations across sites and the data available to the public reflects more accurate emissions on a yearly basis.


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