U.S. EPA Extends Comment Period for MSGP
Posted: February 6th, 2025
Authors: Evan M.
On December 13, 2024, the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) published the proposed 2026 Multisector General Permit (MSGP) in the Federal Register for public comment. The MSGP is a general permit that covers stormwater discharges ─ see ALL4’s previous article for more information. While the original comment period was set for the conventional 60 days, intending to end on February 11 2025, on February 3 U.S. EPA extended this comment period an additional 52 days to April 4 2025. U.S. EPA did not give a detailed reason for the extension, citing the desire to give interested parties additional time to thoroughly review and analyze how the new MSGP may affect them.
Comment Period
The proposed MSGP’s notable changes include quarterly “report-only” indicator analytical monitoring for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), in addition to storm water resiliency planning requirements. Stakeholders will have additional time to review these changes along with other updates and make comments to U.S. EPA. Comments can include support, suggested revisions, clarification, or concerns with the proposed MSGP.
What This Means
The 52-day extension of the comment period gives stakeholders more time to review the MSGP and give further consideration to the proposed permit. Comments already made to U.S. EPA need not to be resubmitted.
Only four states adopt the U.S. EPA MSGP in full and are directly affected (Idaho, New Hampshire, New Mexico, and Massachusetts) but many states will subsequently adopt the same or similar language into their own state-issued general permits.
If you need assistance determining how the new MSGP may impact your facility operations, determining compliance strategies, or drafting and submitting public comments, please reach out to Evan Mia at emia@all4inc.com for assistance.