4 The Record is a publication from ALL4’s team that takes an in-depth look at technical and regulatory topics.
Greenhouse Gas Regulations Published in Federal Register
Posted: November 4th, 2015
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) has finalized both the Clean Power Plan for existing power plants and the Standards of Performance for Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions from New, Modified, and Reconstructed Stationary…
Read articleHow Should it Feel Working with an Air Quality Consultant?
Posted: October 29th, 2015
I thought it might be helpful for folks looking for assistance with air quality related issues to provide some insights that I’ve gained over my 40+ years working in this field. In the early part of my career I spent […]
Read articleComment Period Ticking for Oil and Gas Proposed Actions
Posted: October 26th, 2015
As you may recall from recent ALL4 blog posts on 8/27/2015, 9/14/2015, and 9/15/2015, there are several oil and gas industry regulatory actions in the works. Two proposed rules and a notice of availability affecting the oil and gas industry were published in the Federal…
Read articleRefinery MACT – Final Benzene Fenceline Monitoring Provisions
Posted: October 22nd, 2015
On September 29, 2015, U.S. EPA issued the long-awaited Petroleum Refinery Rule Package. U.S. EPA issued the final revisions to the Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) and New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) Refinery Air Rules…
Read articleRecipes for Environmental Regulatory Compliance
Posted: October 21st, 2015
There is a certain group of people in the world who truly try to make the world a better place. Those people are sometimes considered teachers, healthcare professionals, politicians, researchers, and public servants. In addition, there is another group of…
Read articleOzone NAAQS Update
Posted: October 13th, 2015
As of October 1, 2015, the ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) revision has been finalized and set at 70 parts per billion (ppb), which is down only 5 ppb from the previous standard of 75 ppb, and represents the smallest change of the originally…
Read articleOzone Depleting Substances – They Could Burn a Hole in Your Pocket and the Ozone Layer!
Posted: October 9th, 2015
I don’t know what’s in your annual budget, but up to $32,500 a day per violation under the Clean Air Act (CAA) adds up pretty quickly and is a significant amount of money that could be saved by being proactive. Just some quick facts if that dollar amount hasn’t…
Read article“Winning by Losing”…or Some Such Thing
Posted: October 5th, 2015
As previously discussed here by yours truly, on May 1, 2015, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit issued a decision to remand and vacate the so-called 100-hour “exemption” for RICE…
Read articleTop 5 Preparations for Air Compliance Inspections
Posted: October 5th, 2015
It happens every few years…it’s as certain as death and taxes and on a frequency somewhere in between…it’s your air compliance inspection by a regulatory agency. Maybe the last one went almost too easily, a walk in the park, or maybe you got hammered (root canal, anyone?…
Read articleU.S. EPA Issues Long-Awaited Petroleum Refinery Rule Package
Posted: September 30th, 2015
On September 29, 2015, U.S. EPA issued the long-awaited Petroleum Refinery Rule Package. After considering more than 200,000 comments on the June 2014 proposed rule package, U.S. EPA issued the final revisions to the Maximum Achievable Control…
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