4 The Record is a publication from ALL4’s team that takes an in-depth look at technical and regulatory topics.
Method 16C Approved for Total Reduced Sulfur (TRS) Emission Testing
Posted: August 13th, 2012
On July 30, 2012, U.S. EPA announced that Method 16C is now an acceptable method for the measurement of total reduced sulfur (TRS) emissions. One might ask, what is Method 16C…
Read articleDeadline Extended for Promulgation of 1-Hour SO2 NAAQS
Posted: August 8th, 2012
U.S. EPA announced in Federal Register Vol. 77, No. 150 published on August 3, 2012 that it is using its authority under the Clean Air Act (CAA) to extend by up to one (1) year the deadline for promulgating the initial area…
Read articleU.S. EPA also Proposing Secondary Visibility NAAQS With Updated Annual Primary PM2.5 NAAQS
Posted: August 2nd, 2012
In July, ALL4 posted a blog regarding U.S. EPA’s June 14, 2012 proposal to strengthen the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for fine particle (PM2.5) pollution. As part of the proposed rule…
Read articleALL4’s: Is That Your Final Answer?
Posted: July 30th, 2012
Test your knowledge across the environmental field, on the building blocks of air quality rules, on ALL4 general trivia, and with brain teasers that have perplexed us…Take on ALL4’s Is That Your Final Answer?
Read article4 Rules Survey Says?
Posted: July 30th, 2012
The results are in! Last month we asked our readers to vote about when we would see the final Boiler MACT, CISWI, and NHSM* rules from U.S. EPA. With only two days left in July, it looks like most of our readers were…
Read articleGreenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule – Thresholds, Minors, and PALs, Oh My!
Posted: July 27th, 2012
We’re a year and a half into U.S. EPA’s integration of greenhouse gases (GHG) into its Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) and Title V permitting programs, and the excitement keeps on coming! The GHG Tailoring Rule, first promulgated on June […]
Read articleALL4 Email and Kimberton Office Phone Lines Temporarily Down
Posted: July 25th, 2012
ALL4 Kimberton office phone lines and all ALL4 email is currently down and has been since ~ 1030am (7/25/2012) due to a regional outage. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you. To reach us, please either call our Southern Regional Office at 706.221.7688, contact us via our individual cell phones or you can email us at all4inc@gmail.com. We’ve been assured that the situation is being worked on however we can not predict when the phone lines and email will be working again. Thank you.
Read articleThe View From a Technical Staff Coordinator’s Perspective
Posted: July 24th, 2012
In addition to serving as a project manager, I serve as the Technical Staff Coordinator at ALL4’s Kimberton, PA office. In this role, I have the opportunity to coach our staff of engineers and scientists as they grow in the organization.
Read articleADEM Posts New Waste and Water Forms
Posted: July 19th, 2012
On July 6, 2012, the Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) announced that their website (Forms section) has been updated with the following forms concerning National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and waste systems…
Read articleISO 14001 Compliance – What Tool Do You Use to Comply With “Legal and Other Requirements”?
Posted: July 18th, 2012
In order to be in compliance with ISO 14001 (Environmental Management Systems), facilities must establish, implement, and maintain procedures to identify and have access to applicable legal requirements related to environmental aspects
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