4 The Record is a publication from ALL4’s team that takes an in-depth look at technical and regulatory topics.
7th Circuit Court of Appeals Upholds Statute of Limitation in NSR Enforcement Case
Posted: July 26th, 2013
In a very interesting ruling that, at first glance, would appear to have major ramifications to how U.S. EPA pursues New Source Review (NSR) enforcement cases…
Read articleYou are NOT Subject to a NESHAP Standard…Now What?
Posted: July 23rd, 2013
With all of the activity surrounding National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPs) lately (boilers, internal combustion engines, and a slew of new and sometimes obscure area source standards)…
Read articleNice While It Lasted: Biogenic CO2 Exemption From Tailoring Rule Struck Down
Posted: July 22nd, 2013
The D.C. Circuit Court threw out the biogenic CO2 exemption from air permitting activities under the Federal Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Tailoring Rule on July 12, 2013…
Read articlePolicy On Public Participation
Posted: July 2nd, 2013
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) has issued a draft revised guideline for public participation in the permit review process for permits or other applicable authorization application submitted for Department review. The draft document establishes…
Read articleThe President’s “Climate Action Plan”
Posted: July 2nd, 2013
On June 25, 2013 President Obama released his much anticipated Climate Action Plan (Plan). Driving home the point that changes to cut our carbon pollution should be done to forge a better tomorrow for our future generations…
Read articleAddressing Environmental Justice in the Permitting Process
Posted: June 28th, 2013
On February 11, 1994, Executive Order 12898 Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations was issued. Executive Order 12898 calls on each Federal agency to make achieving environmental justice part of its mission. Since that […]
Read articleALL4’s Southern Regional Office Relocates to Greater Atlanta Area
Posted: June 27th, 2013
ALL4 is pleased to announce that the Southern Regional Office (SRO) will be relocating from Columbus, GA to Kennesaw, GA as of July 1, 2013. Kennesaw is located approximately 27 miles northwest of Atlanta. Colin McCall will continue to lead […]
Read articleWhat the BEEP is a SODAR?
Posted: June 13th, 2013
Beep….Beep….Beep….Have you ever heard a smoke detector that chirps due to a low battery? Well, mix that with the sound of an underwater submarine, and you get the sound that a SODAR makes…
Read articleSingle Source Determinations For Air Quality Permitting Applicability
Posted: June 11th, 2013
Once again, single source determinations and the confusing issue of whether to aggregate emissions from multiple sources together for permitting as a single source (facility) is in the limelight for the…
Read articleContentious Air Permitting Issues for the Pennsylvania Oil and Gas Industry
Posted: June 6th, 2013
On May 30, 2013 the Clean Air Council (CAC) submitted a 60-day Notice of Intent to Sue U.S. EPA regarding Pennsylvania’s air permitting of the oil and gas industry. Specifically, the CAC…
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