NJDEP Announces a New General Permit for Diesel Fired Emergency Engines
Posted: May 19th, 2014
Author: All4 Staff
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) has announced a new general permit (GP-005A) for “emergency generators burning distillate fuels.” This general permit replaces the current general permit (GP-005) for emergency generators. Emergency generators currently registered under GP-005 can continue to operate until the expiration date of GP-005; registration under GP-005A is required prior to the expiration of GP-005, or the facility can apply for a source-specific permit and certificate to operate. Likewise, the same conditions and actions are required if the emergency generator registered under GP-005 is replaced or modified prior to the expiration date under GP-005.
GP-005A applies to a single emergency generator burning distillate fuels with a maximum rated heat input capacity of less than 100 million British thermal units per hour (MMBtu/hr) or multiple emergency generators burning distillate fuels with a combined maximum rated heat input capacity of less than 100 MMBtu/hr. A facility may have only one (1) GP-005A at a given time. If a facility needs to make a change to a source that has been registered under GP-005A, a new general permit registration is required. The conditions in the compliance plan for GP-005A are very similar to those requirements contained in Federal regulations related to distillate oil-fired internal combustion engines [40 CFR Part 60, Subpart IIII (Standards of Performance for Stationary Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines), and 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart ZZZZ (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines)].
Some of the notable applicability criteria and compliance requirements under GP-005A are described below.
- The definition of “emergency generator” includes fire pumps.
- “Emergency” means any situation that arises from sudden and reasonably unforeseeable events beyond the control of an owner or operator of a facility, such as an unforeseen system capacity shortage caused by an act of God, that requires immediate corrective action to prevent system collapse or to restore normal operations at the facility.
- “Distillate fuels” means No. 2 fuel oil, diesel fuel, and kerosene. No. 2 fuel oil and diesel can be blended with up to 5% by volume biodiesel fuel. GP-005A does not apply to emergency engines using other fuels or combined heat and power system generators.
- Annual hours of normal testing and maintenance under GP-005A cannot exceed 100 hours per year. Monitoring of operating hours by a non-resettable totalizing hour meter is required.
- All model year 2007 and later emergency generators must be certified to the emission standards in Subpart IIII. This requirement also applies to fire pumps during or after a model year listed in Table 3 to Subpart IIII.
- Fuel purchased after obtaining GP-005A cannot exceed 15 ppm by weight (0.0015%) sulfur. Existing distillate fuel contained in the fuel oil storage tank before obtaining GP-005A can be used until it is depleted.
- Engines with a displacement of less than 30 liters per cylinder subject to Subpart IIII that use diesel fuel must use diesel fuel that meets the following requirements of 40 §CFR 80.510(b) (per gallon):
- 15 ppm (0.0015%) maximum sulfur content and either
- A minimum cetane index of 40 or
- A maximum aromatic content of 35 volume percent
Existing diesel fuel purchased (or otherwise obtained) prior to October 1, 2010, may be used until depleted.
- GP-005A contains work practice standards such as oil and filter changes; air cleaner inspections; and hose and belt inspections similar to Subpart ZZZZ.
- GP-005A does not apply to:
- Engines subject to Subpart IIII that are required to be stack tested.
- An emergency generator covered by a contract to operate during emergency demand response periods, peak shaving, or any other similar financial agreement.
- An emergency generator that makes the facility a major source for hazardous air pollutants (HAPs)
- An emergency generator with a displacement greater than 30 liters per cylinder.
A copy of GP-005A and the on-line application can be accessed at: http://www.state.nj.us/dep/aqpp/gp1list.htm.