Meet Bob Kuklentz
Posted: December 8th, 2020
Authors: Robert K.
Bob Kuklentz // Directing Consultant // Philadelphia Office
You’re an avid outdoorsman…what adventures have you been up to lately?
I recently took a fishing trip with my colleague, Roy Rakiewicz, and a client in Missouri which was a lot of fun. Let’s put it this way, fishing trips are always fun when everyone catches a lot of fish… we each walked away with a ‘big fish story’ to share with our family and friends!
While your official title at ALL4 is Directing Consultant, you’ve served as a mentor to many throughout your tenure and have made quite an impact on employees. Describe what mentorship means to you?
ALL4 has a lot of smart, motivated people on staff and I get a lot of satisfaction, and energy, out of seeing them be successful. As a mentor, my job is to build trust and be there as a sounding board. Trust is key – when that’s in place people feel comfortable, and safe, in seeking guidance from you.
You also have another role that you’re passionate about – being a grandparent! When you’re on ‘Poppy’ duty what will we likely find you doing?
My grandson and I take a lot of tractor rides, play with his toy cars, and always make time to eat a lot of chocolate. Currently, Junior Mints are our favorite go-to-treat!
One of your ‘superpowers’ is developing strong client relationships. When you’re working with clients, or a perspective client, how do you build trust and relatedness?
Having 20+ years of experience in industry enables me to be very relatable when it comes to knowing their ‘pain points’. I’m also a proponent of face-to-face interactions. The more that you can integrate into your client’s team, the more proactive you can be in assisting them in identifying their compliance needs. At ALL4 we call it “becoming one with your client, and an extension of their project team”.
You just mentioned making a career change from industry to consulting after 20+ years, what is sage advice that you’d offer to other senior-level employees who are looking to make a career change?
You have to be open to learning new things and approaching projects from a team perspective. In industry for example, you may be the sole environmental team member making decisions and feel very comfortable in that role because you know the facility inside and out. You’re not out of your comfort zone as often as you will be in consulting. By that I mean that you’re constantly encountering new situations, working with a variety of clients/industries, and having to be open in challenging yourself in keeping current technically. I would also share that working within budgets and timeframes was something that took some time to get acclimated to in the consulting world.
Okay, you’re going to your closet to pick out your favorite sports team’s jersey…who will we find you representing?
I’m picking the Eagles jersey every time – die-hard fan here!