Georgia Permittees (Major, Minor, and Synthetic Minor): Have You Heard the News?
Posted: March 22nd, 2018
Author: All4 Staff
On March 8, 2018, the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (GEPD) released a Notice of Public Hearing and Proposed Amendments to the Georgia Rules for Air Quality Control codified by the Georgia Administrative Code (G.A.C.) 391-3-1. Specifically, G.A.C. 391-3-1-.03(9) is being revised to include a requirement that’s new to Georgia: permit application fees. The proposed amendments will apply to permit efforts effective March 1, 2019, and will require the permittee to pay an application processing fee for several different permit types, including, but not limited to:
- Minor/synthetic minor source permits or amendments,
- Permit name/ownership changes,
- Title V 502(b)(10) permit amendments,
- Minor and significant Title V modifications, and
- Prevention of significant deterioration (PSD) permit applications.
New permit fee guidance around this topic has been added to GEPD’s Procedures for Calculating Air Permit Application & Annual Permit Fees (formerly known as Procedures for Calculating Air Permit Fees). Section 2.0 was added to detail permit application fees, which range anywhere from $0 for a Title V renewal application up to $7,500 for a PSD permit application. The cost is dictated by the type of permit application as detailed in Section 2.1 of the proposed fee manual. When multiple fees apply, the revised manual states that the applicant should pay the greater of the fees.
A public hearing will be held in the coming weeks to provide an opportunity to comment and/or provide input on the proposed amendments to 391-3-1-.03(9). Per GEPD’s Notice of Public Hearing, the public hearing time and location are detailed below:
- Date: April 9, 2018
- Time: 1:30 PM
- Location: EPD Training Center | 4244 International Parkway, Suite 116 | Atlanta, GA 30354
Additionally, GEPD is accepting written comments until April 16, 2018. Written comments should be sent via email or regular mail to:
- Email:
- Mail: Branch Chief | Air Protection Branch | 4244 International Parkway, Suite 120 | Atlanta, GA 30354
We strive to keep our readers up-to-date on the latest regulatory developments regarding air quality. If you have any question about this blog or any other air quality regulatory happenings in Georgia, reach out to us.