Electronic Arc Furnace (EAF) Steelmaking Area Source MACT Revisions
Posted: December 29th, 2008
Author: All4 Staff
U.S. EPA is proposing amendments and taking direct final action on those amendments to 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart YYYYY – National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Area Sources: Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) Steelmaking Facilities. U.S. EPA is taking this dual action in the event that adverse comments are received for the amendments that are being published as direct final rules. Subpart YYYYY was originally issued by U.S. EPA on December 28, 2007. The rule established emission limits for particulate matter (PM) as a surrogate for metallic hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) and pollution prevention standards for the control of mercury (Hg) emissions for electric arc steelmaking facilities that are considered area sources of HAP emissions. The amendments clarify specific regulatory language, make the PM testing requirements consistent with the testing requirements of 40 CFR §60.775a, clarify the conditions under which the initial compliance certification can be based on previous tests, and re-define the term “Scrap Provider.” Of particular interest to affected sources may be the amendments that change the language in 40 CFR §63.108686(b)(2) regarding the melt shop opacity limit by excluding the word “solely” from the text of the emission limit. U.S. EPA’s rationale for the change is that fugitive emissions from other melt shop sources may comingle with fugitive emissions from EAF and argon-oxygen decarburization (AOD) vessels. Similar changes are being made to the initial compliance test requirements specified in 40 CFR §63.10686(d)(2) to allow opacity determinations for comingled melt shop fugitive emissions.