Climate Change

Reality Check: BACT for GHG Emissions?

Posted: February 7th, 2011

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are now officially addressed by new source permitting rules. The “Tailoring Rule” requires that sources get serious about addressing project-related GHG emissions when preparing Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) permit applications. When a source is unable […]

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Who Owns Those Greenhouse Gas Emissions?

Posted: November 6th, 2010

U.S. EPA has finalized amendments to the general provisions of the Mandatory Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reporting Rule (MRR) codified at 40 CFR Part 98 to require those reporting to provide the name, address, and percentage ownership of their U.S. parent […]

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e-GGRT is Coming!

Posted: October 14th, 2010

U.S. EPA is preparing to roll out its Electronic Greenhouse Gas Reporting Tool (e-GGRT) for the 2010 reporting year. The user registration portion of the system is expected to come online this fall. Since the registration deadline is two months prior to […]

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Changes to the Greenhouse Gas Mandatory Reporting Rule

Posted: July 14th, 2010

On June 28, 2010, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) issued a final rule that adds four (4) new source categories to those that will be required to submit annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reports pursuant to the […]

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Final PSD and Title V Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule

Posted: June 5th, 2010

On May 13, 2010, U.S. EPA issued the final rule known as the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) and Title V Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Tailoring Rule (a.k.a. the GHG Tailoring Rule). It was subsequently published in the Federal Register on June 3, 2010 (75 FR 31514) and will become effective on…

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