Air Quality Compliance

New Pennsylvania Title V Emission Fees

Posted: February 18th, 2011

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) has just announced that the Title V emission fee for source emissions reported for calendar year 2010 will be $55 per ton.  This fee…

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Boiler MACT: Here We Go Again

Posted: February 3rd, 2011

Brace yourselves. It’s coming…and as of February 18, 2011, we have no idea what it’s going to look like.  In last month’s 4 The Record, we reported that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) had filed a motion in the […]

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Update on U.S. EPA Transport Rule

Posted: January 28th, 2011

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) was required by a Federal court determination to “fix” what the court identified as deficiencies in the Clear Air Interstate Rule (CAIR). On August 2, 2010 this process began with the publication of […]

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Pennsylvania to Issue Oil and Gas Emissions Aggregation Guidance

Posted: January 23rd, 2011

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) intends to develop technical guidance for performing single stationary source determinations for operations in the oil and gas industry. Currently, there are significant gas exploration and extraction activities occurring in Pennsylvania, mostly related […]

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Boiler MACT Schedule Extension?

Posted: January 15th, 2011

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) filed a motion on December 7, 2010 in the Federal District Court for the District of Columbia seeking an extension to the current court-ordered schedule for issuing new Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) […]

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U.S. EPA Defers Certain Reporting Inputs for GHG Reporting Rule

Posted: January 10th, 2011

n December 27, 2010, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) issued three (3) actions pertaining to confidential business information (CBI) submitted with annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reports under 40 CFR Part 98 (Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases)…

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Who Owns Those Greenhouse Gas Emissions?

Posted: November 6th, 2010

U.S. EPA has finalized amendments to the general provisions of the Mandatory Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reporting Rule (MRR) codified at 40 CFR Part 98 to require those reporting to provide the name, address, and percentage ownership of their U.S. parent […]

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