Air Quality Compliance

Who We Are…

Posted: May 1st, 2016

A week or so ago one of our Project Managers asked me to get on a call with our client and a regulator in an Upper Midwestern state where we’ve done a reasonable amount of work over the past few years.  There were some unique aspects…

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The Ethylene MACT – An Air Quality Compliance Marathon

Posted: March 24th, 2016

” Over the years, ALL4 has chronicled the slow and not always steady regulatory development process in multiple blogs, articles, and presentations. For me, as the Air Toxics Knowledge Area Leader for ALL4’s RegTech Operations Group, I am responsible for […]

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Baby Steps…to Final RACT 2 Publication

Posted: March 18th, 2016

“Baby steps onto the elevator…baby steps into the elevator…I’m in the elevator” 
We are almost there.  The elevator door is open, we just need to baby step inside…the long awaited RACT 2 Rule has passed the final significant hurdle as it moves toward official…

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The Components of a RACT 2 Proposal

Posted: March 16th, 2016

The proposed 25 Pa. Code §§129.96 – 129.100, Additional RACT Requirements for Major Sources of NOX and VOCs, also known as the RACT 2 Rule, is expected to be promulgated in Spring 2016.  If you are a follower of our blogs, you already know that facilities will only have…

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Tightening the Reins on GHG Emissions

Posted: March 7th, 2016

The Obama Administration announced its “Strategy to Reduce Methane Emissions from the Oil and Gas Sector” (Strategy) in March 2014 outlining the steps that the Administration will take towards reducing United States (U.S.) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 17 percent […]

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