ALL4’s: Is That Your Final Answer?
Posted: February 28th, 2011
Author: All4 StaffLast Month’s Answer and Winner:
We received several responses to our January edition of “Is That Your Final Answer” and Robert Wells was the first to provide the answer for which we were looking. In order to trigger Nonattainment New Source Review (NNSR), a source must first be major for the nonattainment pollutant. It does not matter if a source is major for another pollutant; the source must be major for the NNSR pollutant. There where other responses that could also apply to our question, but these responses did not highlight the key applicability test for NNSR. Thanks for everyone’s participation and good luck with this month’s question.
On a cold and snowy February morning, a young scientist here at ALL4 came up to an older scientist here at ALL4 with a question concerning New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) and greenhouse gases (GHGs). “I don’t quite follow,” our young friend asked, “why and how can electric utility steam generating units (EGUs) be regulated under the NSPS with a performance standard as well as an emission guideline.” The older scientist leaned back in his chair and took a sip of his hot tea. “Performance standards and emission guidelines have for years existed for many other source categories, just check out 40 CFR Part 60. But most people don’t take the time to know the simple difference between the two.” And after 60 seconds the young scientist said, “I understand completely, it makes sense.” What was explained to the younger scientist?
Please e-mail your answer to Include in the e-mail your name, answer, and address (to receive your prize).
The final answer feature of 4 The Record is designed to test your knowledge across the environmental field, quiz you on the building blocks of air quality rules, stump you on ALL4 general trivia, and challenge you with brain teasers that have perplexed us. The first correct answer e-mailed to us will qualify the respondent for free ALL4 gear and will enter the winner in our end-of-the year “Final Answer Championship.” The subsequent month’s 4 The Record will identify the winner and the correct answer from the previous month’s question. You must be an active subscriber of 4 The Record to win a monthly prize and be eligible for the championship prize. ALL4 employees and family members are not eligible to compete. Hope you enjoy this feature and good luck!