ALL4’s Employee Spotlight: Chuck Doyno
Posted: October 1st, 2012
Author: All4 Staff
Each quarter ALL4 will interview one of its employees highlighting some of their careers and thoughts about ALL4. This month’s employee spotlight is on Project Engineer Chuck Doyno.
What one piece of advice would you give to college students looking for a position in the consulting business?
The one thing I tell new hires is you cannot be afraid to put yourself out there and take on new challenges. The best way to learn in this business is by doing. If you put yourself out there and ask to take on new challenges and experiences, you can really learn a lot and put yourself in a better position as a consultant.
What are your roles at ALL4?
I have a number of different roles at ALL4. As a project engineer, I am responsible for developing permit applications, emission inventories, reports, and any other thing that my clients and project managers need. I am also responsible for coordinating and delegating tasks to our newer Technical Staff members. Additionally, I have responsibilities with our Marketing Team. I maintain and update ALL4’s website with new blog posts, pictures, and other day to day up keep.
What do you like best about your career?
The best part about my career was the opportunity to work for ALL4 upon graduation from Penn State. I cannot say enough about how great a company ALL4 is. Whether it’s the benefits package or the overall company culture, ALL4 is hands down a tremendous company to work for. It’s not often that an individual’s first job out of college is the same one that they want to build a long and lasting career with. At ALL4, I can say without a doubt, that I have just that opportunity and commitment to the company.
Keeping it real, what do you not like about your career here?
So far, I have no complaints or regrets.
What was your biggest challenge in your first year?
I think the hardest thing for me was getting acclimated to the consulting environment as a whole. Consulting isn’t your regular 9 to 5 job. It requires you to go the extra mile to get your clients the product or help they require. I was constantly trying to balance my billable work with my non-billable (Website, Recruiting) responsibilities, all the while I was trying to learn as much about air quality as possible. Once you find the right balance, you can really take some big steps in your career.
What was your biggest surprise since joining ALL4?
The biggest shock for me was the culture as a whole. Working at ALL4 is definitely not boring. We like to have fun and everyone here really enjoys what they do. You definitely get a sense of that culture as soon as you walk in the door. It’s a tremendous atmosphere to work in because it makes the job so much more enjoyable.
Why did you decide to join ALL4?
My degree was in chemical engineering and I always knew that working in a plant wasn’t really where I saw my career going. I looked at the consulting world because of the variety that it offered. I always had a passion for fuel and energy, so choosing environmental consulting was a natural fit. As far as ALL4, once I did my research on the company and found out about the culture, the people, the award winning atmosphere, it was easy. It really becomes apparent very quickly how great a place ALL4 is to work.
Which ALL4 employee is most likely to make you laugh?
That’s a tough question. We have quite a few unique personalities. Everyone at the company has a really good sense of humor. I’ll give you a top three though, in no particular order: Colin (we have had a few pretty comical and memorable business trips that are always good for some laughs), Bob (it makes me laugh that a lot of his jokes usually lead to him feeling old because I do not get the reference), and Ron (this one is a little bit more about me giving him a hard time on occasion).
Give me an example of an event, system, or person that best represents the ALL4 culture, and why.
There are a bunch of events that really embody the ALL4 culture. One that comes to mind is the annual Christmas party. It’s a great time where everyone and there significant others can come and enjoy each other’s company. There are always plenty of laughs (I admit many of them at my own expense).
What attribute do you feel is most important for someone coming to work here?
I think you just have to be open to new things. The work we do is so different from anything that I ever did in college. You really have to be open to take on new challenges to put yourself in position to be successful. A common saying around here is being comfortable with being uncomfortable. There will be many challenges and situations that you will be put in that you never thought you could handle, but you just have to be open to it.
What is the most unique thing about working here?
It’s definitely the people. Everyone has the same focus and goals. We all have each others backs and we continue to work towards making ALL4 as successful as possible. Not to mention we all have fun doing it.
What most excites you about your pending nuptials?
I think I am just ready for it to be here. All the planning for the wedding and the reception takes a lot of time. I would be lying though if I told you that I did a lot of the planning. I helped where I was able. But all in all, I am just excited for the day and what the future holds.
Where is your next big musical gig?
Well, the next concert is in November, right around Veterans Day I believe. It’s going to be quite an epic performance.
What nickname here at ALL4 annoys you the most?
I do get a lot of nicknames around the office. But I guess that’s not exactly something new. My name is pretty easy to mess around with. I wouldn’t say any nicknames really annoy me. If anything, I would say I get a little disappointed in Kevin’s nicknames for me. Sometimes Kevin’s nicknames are really a stretch. Come on Kevin, I know you can do better.
Provide me some thoughts on what next year’s Halloween costume might be.
There will be no Halloween costume this year. When Halloween rolls around, I will be enjoying my honeymoon in Jamaica. I think that’s an acceptable alternative.