2023 Look Ahead: Battery Technology and Regulatory Changes
Posted: January 26th, 2023
Authors: Karen T.
As the market demand increases for electric vehicles and alternative energy storage, i.e., batteries, the technology and regulations around the technology are developing. As we lookahead in 2023, we see the following items getting traction.
Advances around battery technology with impacts to storage, transportation, recycling, and disposal are on the rise. New rules and regulations will affect the industry from production to disposal and reuse. More specifically, as battery components change and larger batteries are being produced, look for updated rules and regulations from agencies such as the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and State Fire Marshall Offices. With the reports of battery fires on the rise, both safe transport and storage have become an issue for transporters of hazardous materials and industry sectors that store new and used batteries in larger quantities.
Just when we thought air emissions and use of batteries didn’t go together, we found out there are facilities performing thermal runaway evaluations (burn tests) on batteries to obtain certification for their safe use in certain applications. ALL4 has evaluated air emissions data and whether there are air permitting requirements for these operations.
Also, continue to look for developments with existing and fully viable technologies such as lead-acid batteries. Storage capacities and design continue to drive the components of batteries in the marketplace. Lead-acid batteries are still more viable for certain applications where more storage is required and weight is not the issue. We are up to date on the potentially changing environmental requirements for these facilities.
There will be more funding opportunities in 2023 for large grants mandated by the Inflation Reduction Act and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act I through agencies such as U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) as incentives for innovation and supply chain development will be available. We will see additional battery facilities as well as recovery and recycling facilities being announced.
Last, there will be funding released for tax credits and other financial incentives as defined in 2022 legislation at the state and federal level which will drive demand for batteries overall and especially for those produced in the U.S. or sourced from preferred trading partners.
ALL4 has industry experience in battery manufacturing and recycling, including recycling of newer battery technology such as Li-ion. If you have questions or need assistance with permitting, storage requirements, hazardous material planning, or evaluation of your current practices, please contact Bruce Armbruster at BArmbruster@all4inc.com. Our ESG team can also assist your company with determining and documenting provenance of recycled materials; contact Daryl Whitt at dwhitt@all4inc.com.