Six Months at ALL4
Posted: December 18th, 2014
Authors: Kayla N.
Looking back on the past six months of my life, it seems like a total whirlwind. There have been so many changes in such a short period of time it’s hard to wrap my head around sometimes. It seems like just yesterday I was rolling out of bed at the crack of dawn on college time (roughly 10:00am) to head to class. Afterwards I would most likely order a pizza and watch Netflix with my roommates all night. So imagine my surprise to learn that in the real world adults are expected to wake up early, pay bills, AND eat actual meals! Along with these changes, I have also moved away from my hometown in Pittsburgh and started a new chapter of my life, complete with a new job, new apartment, and finally (and most thankfully), a new car that always starts when I turn the key. Although this December marks the terrifying end to the six-month deferral period of my student loans, it also marks six months of the most incredible experience I’ve had thus far; working at ALL4.
Starting a new job is always scary, especially when you’re moving 300 miles from home. Questions plagued my mind like, “Will I like it?”, “Will it be worth the move?”, “Do I really want to do this with my life?”. However, if I’ve learned anything during my 22 years of life it’s that if something scares you, it’s probably a good thing to try. So I went for it. I stepped out of my comfort zone and ended up making the best decision I’ve ever made. ALL4 is not like any other company I’ve encountered. I got the sense of that throughout the interviewing process, but not a day has passed during my time here that hasn’t proven that in one way or another.
The people of ALL4 are one of a kind and have turned out to be much more than just co-workers. It truly is a family here, which is very comforting when you’re far away from your biological family. From the after-work “recess events” like getting to attend my first Philadelphia 76ers game, to the commitment to community service, to just getting through the daily grind, the ALL4 culture really does make it a very special company to be a part of.
The beauty of consulting is the versatility in your projects. So far I have worked with clients that brew beer, create nuclear energy, manufacture cement, and seemingly everything in between. I’ve gotten to see first-hand how fiberboard and wood flooring is made (which was beyond exciting for my nerdy self) and I got a behind-the-scenes look at the massive file rooms of PADEP (not quite as exciting). Although the work can be challenging it always turns out to be a rewarding experience. I have honestly learned something new every day, which is a goal I think everyone should strive for no matter what your experience level is.
Working at ALL4 has given me a variety of opportunities for both career and personal growth. It is a company that I am proud and feel lucky to be a part of. These have been the most fulfilling six months of my life and I can’t wait for many more. Cheers to the next six!